Pre-configured distribution for AGA/RTG Amigas. Based on AmiKit. Unofficial.

AKReal 9.2 CHANGELOG (December 2023)
- ADDED: Freeware PowerWindows 1.3 by by Georg Steger, 10/11/2000.
- ADDED: Some existing RTG 1024x768 wallpapers saved now in iff format.
- ADDED: UAEgfx by Toni Willen in Sys:Devs/Monitors to be used with RTG when needed.
- ADDED: New option in Morpheuz to change the pointer or also the wallpapers/backdrops/skins used if you are already using some RTG option in your Amiga.
- ADDED: AmigaGPT version 1.2.0 by Cameron Armstrong. Now backwards compatible with OS3.9.
- ADDED: Spanish "esRadio", "Flower Power radio", "Love Radio Florida" and "CGM UKScene Radio*". You can find them in Sys:Utilities/Expansion/RadioStations/Scripts.
- ADDED: Filesize v40.1, 1998-02-22 by Msi Software,
- UPDATED: WHDLoad to version 18.9.6601
- UPDATED: HippoPlayer v2.58 - [email protected]. K-P Koljonen 2023-06-21.
- UPDATED: AmigaAMP v3.33 -Thomas Wenzel ( 2022-12-20.
- UPDATED: IMP v3.411 - Pawel Nowak. 2023-06-29.
- UPDATED: TextEditor.mcc v15.56. Jens Maus (mail jens-maus de). 2021-08-31.
- UPDATED: BetterString.mcc v11.36. Jens Maus (mail jens-maus de). 2021-08-31.
- UPDATED: NList.mcc v0.128. Jens Maus (mail jens-maus de). 2021-08-31.
- UPDATED: TheBar.mcc v26.22. Jens Maus (mail jens-maus de). 2021-08-31 .
- UPDATED: AmiSSL v5.11. AmiSSL Open Source Team. 2023-09-19.
- UPDATED: OpenURL 7.18. Jens Maus 2016-09-07.
- UPDATED: MMULib v47.6. Thomas.richter at (Thomas Richter) 2023-07-01.
- UPDATED: WBDock by Thomas Rapp. Version 2.896. 16-Jul-2023.
- UPDATED: MUI v5.0. 2021-08-31 by Thore Böckelmann and changed MUI prefs for iGame.
- UPDATED: iGame V2.4.1 2023-07-19 by mrzammler at (Emmanuel Vasilakis).
- UPDATED: TinyMeter 3.56 by gibs2b gmail com (Michael GIBS).
- UPDATED: iBrowse to 2.5.8 and TextHistory.mcc to 11.8 version for the installation.
- CHANGED: Magellan Start menus. Now in Sys:Utilities/Expansion/Opus5/Buttons we have a shorter version. There are three drawers with different versions to try if you wish.
- CHANGED: SID Station Radio stream changed as suggested by @bjdcleary at the EAB site.
- CHANGED: "Disable_CGXAga&Birdie" is now "Change_CGXAga&Birdie" with more options.
- CHANGED: Femu by Jari has been exchanged by SoftIEEE, developed by Thomas Richter. Version 40.6.1 from 2023-01-23.
- CHANGED: Cinemix radio station to use Amplifier and a new script.
- FIXED: SceneSat radio
- DELETED: Nostalgia, XPD and WNMC48 radios, no longer working.
* CGM UKScene Radio is an internet based Demoscene radio station, playing exclusively 8 & 16 bit; tracked, chip & module Demoscene songs, as well as in-game computer generated music.
To all of the ones that can give whatever kind of support... I can see and Feel it. You know: "Amiga: ... Still Alive!"
To @bjdcleary from Southampton at EAB for his suggestions. Very helpful.
AKReal 9.1 CHANGELOG (October 2022)
- ADDED: Femu 0.10 by Jari Eskelinen. You can Enable and try it with a new option in the User Menu with DOpus5, with the new ToolsDaemon's option for Workbench or with the new one in the Scalos menu.
- ADDED: PostED program v1.9 by Thilo Kohler it's finally working without FPU if you enable Femu.
- ADDED: Compo Player V1.1b by Tulou with a cool AKReal skin.
- ADDED: Electrobusted mod by AceMan with a script to run it easily with two clicks.
- ADDED: FakeKey 1.0 by Douglas Nelson.
- ADDED: "Ask Eliza" funny script in the Tools drawer by Retrofan. Now you can talk with the A.I. :)
- ADDED: NetSurf OS v3.8. New NetSurf-AGA (FPU) and RTG versions.
- ADDED: AlgoMusic 2.4 by Thomas Schuerger.
- ADDED: AlgoLightBox 1.0 by Robert Dickow.
- ADDED: IMP 3.355 by Pawel Nowak.28 November 2021
- ADDED: New wallpapers remapped using Retro Image Tool.
- ADDED: Ambient Radio and CommoRadio in Sys:Utilities/Expansions/RadioStations/Scripts.
- ADDED: Mui.key is finally included with the kind permission of Stefan Stuntz, the original author of MUI
- ADDED: DOSBox ports by NovaCoder ([email protected]). Version RTG 0.74.019 and AGA v.74.014
- ADDED: New booting sound with voice "Amiga Love" by Johnny Acevedo (Amiten Software).
- ADDED: Relic Radio to Sys:Utilities/Expansion/RadioStations/Scripts. Vintage nice recordings from a long time ago.
- FIXED: ReqAttack patterns when using AGA in 'Better Config' options.
- FIXED: Radio Stations that stopped working: Kiss FM, Stad den Haag, Mi-Soul, Nectarine. EP-Express replaced by Graceland.
- FIXED: AmigaAMP skins with Better Config.
- FIXED: DirectoryOpus executable by Peter Kneunecke.
- FIXED: Simon the Sorcerer game had a wrong demo file.
- FIXED: Speakers plugin of AmigaAmp with RTG and AfA.
- FIXED: MiniSlug with bad graphics on RTG.
- UPDATED: WBDock 2.425 by Thomas Rapp. 27 August 2021.
- UPDATED: ProTracker v2.3F final version. 20th of January 2021 by 8bitbubsy (Olav Sørensen).
- UPDATED: User-Startup to include Femu.
- UPDATED: MMuLib 47.4, 30 march 2022 by Thomas Richter.
- UPDATED: AmiSSL 5.3 by AmiSSL Open Source Team. 05 July 2022.
- UPDATED: ModExplorer by Joerg Renkert, 06 January 2018.
- UPDATED: iGame 2.0b6 by MrZammler, 4 Sep 2020
- UPDATED: MUI-5.0-2020R3 by Thore 21 December 2020.
- UPDATED: SnoopDos 3.11 by Thomas Richter. 15 August 2021.
- UPDATED: VisualPrefs 1.5n by Massimo Tantignone. 31 May 2021
- UPDATED: SegTracker 46.1 by Thomas Richter 2021 May 01
- UPDATED: BetterString 11.35 by BetterString.mcc Open Source Team
- UPDATED: NList 0.127 by NList Open Source Team
- UPDATED: TextEditor 15.55 by TextEditor.mcc Open Source Team
- UPDATED: TheBar.mcc 26.21 by Alfonso Ranieri and TheBar Open Source Team
- UPDATED: LittleClock by Thomas Rapp 27 August 2021. It now shows properly with graphics.library. V47
- UPDATED: HippoPlayer 2.47 by Kari-Pekka Koljonen, 31 August 2021.
- UPDATED: EaglePlayer V2.06 by Jan Blumenthal & Henryk Richter. 12 July 2020. We are keeping the previous config for AGA and a new one for RTG.
- UPDATED: WHDLoad 18.8.6478 30 May 2022.
- CHANGED/UPDATED: IconLib 46.4.533 . We have left as default the version that keeps TrueColors.
- CHANGED/UPDATED: AmimodRadio to version, 0.9996 by Tygre 09 June 2020, WIP.
- CHANGED/UPDATED: Booting sounds tweaked so my favourites sound more often ;)
- CHANGED/UPDATED: Screennotify.library returned to version 1.0 as suggested by PeterK.
- CHANGED/UPDATED: Energy98 radio station now using Amplifier instead of AmigaAMP. It just looks better :)
- CHANGED/UPDATED: There is a new option in the DOpus StartMenu. In "Radio" there is a "Leave Out" option that allows you to leave out some Radio Stations that will be moved to the Desktop. Three of them don't show the name but only the icon to look better.
- CHANGED: ToolsDaemon preferences to include a Femu "switch", inside "Actions".
- CHANGED: DOPus5 User Menu preferences to include a Femu "switch" inside the "User Menu".
- CHANGED: Favourites has now a selection inside that you can try out.
- CHANGED: BetterConfig now has three options for the "AKReal 1024" setup.
- CHANGED: TinyMeter with more options and fixed Radio Stations.
- CHANGED: TKPlayer settings to use another skin.
AKReal 9 CHANGELOG (October 2017)
- ADDED Many tweaks under the hood improving stability and performance of AKReal
- ADDED: Exclusive Retro Switch from AmiKit. Check it out in MorpheuZ.
- ADDED: Exclusive AmiStart v0.70 from AmiKit by Darius Brewka
- ADDED: iGame script icon launcher
- ADDED: UAE 4.4 (11.08.04) for AHI, based on Paula by Martin Blom, changed for WinUAE by Bernd Roesch.
- ADDED: CoolCALC v.0.1 by Richard Kapp including some skins that you can try out.
- ADDED: OpenTyrian game port by Artur Jarosik (Jan 2017)
- ADDED: MiniSlug game port Artur Jarosik (June 2017)
- ADDED: New TinyMeter prefs "Right Bar" available in MorpheuZ, Preferences, TinyMeter & Docks
- ADDED: ButtonMenu V1.23 by Oliver Roberts
- ADDED: DigiClock 1.4 by Thomas Rapp including new Flip-Clock option
- ADDED: New AmiStart script in WBStartup/Disabled with new AmiStart prefs
- ADDED: ProTracker 23e beta by Olav @8bitbubsy Download/Update script installer
- ADDED: 100 best Modules Selection by @Estrayk
- ADDED: New FourOneBirdie theme for VisualPrefs and Birdie based on FourOne by Ken Lester
- ADDED: TinyLauncher 3.51 by Michael Gibs. Use it with AGA or use ABS while rebooting.
- ADDED: New "Starfish" and "Girl robot latex" plus 16 colors "Lanny" wallpapers.
- ADDED: Amiga Boot Selector 0.4 by Gibs. Press the right mice button while booting to start it.
- ADDED: New "AKReal 9 Icons" option in MorpheuZ to try new icons or to keep the original ones.
- UPDATED: Icon.library 46.4.454 by Peter Keunecke
- UPDATED: Riva 0.52 by Stephen Fellner and Henryk Richter
- UPDATED: IBrowse settings. Yep, now you can OPEN your Gmail account.
- UPDATED: AmiSSL 4.0 by Jens Maus
- UPDATED: WHDLoad 18.3 by Bert Jahn
- UPDATED: MUIRoyale 1.7 by Andreas Falkenhahn
- UPDATED: EvenMore 0.91 - special AmiKit version by Chris Perver
- UPDATED: AmigaAMP 3.22 by Thomas Wenzel
- UPDATED: MUI-5.0-2017R3 by MUI AmigaOS development team
- UPDATED: AfA_OS v4.8 by Bernd Roesch
- UPDATED: LoadModule 45.9 by T.Richter and E.Vogt
- UPDATED: NetSurf and NetSurfAGA v37 Dev by Artur Jarosik (Sep 2017)
- CHANGED: CoolCALC now replaces Calculator program in WBDock and MacLikeDock
- CHANGED: AKReal logo with new design by Ken Lester
- CHANGED: PatchASL with MUI 5 update
- CHANGED: AWeb prefs
- CHANGED: MacLikeDock position, now it's higher to fit the larger AmiStart logos
- CHANGED: ENVARC:FBlit.cfg. Enabled the "Inline" synchronisation of QBSBlitPatch
- FIXED: Iconifying ModExplorer with RTG in WinUAE. Do "Icons Reset" and "Snapshot" if you don't see it.
- FIXED: AmiStart icon launcher from WBStartup and AmiStart options
- FIXED: MI-Soul radio streaming pls file stopped working
- FIXED: IconMaker files