Pre-configured distribution for AGA/RTG Amigas. Based on AmiKit. Unofficial.

Terms of Use

§1 Our products, either in whole or in part, MUST NOT be used:

  • on any machine which is used for the research, development, construction, testing or production of weapons or other military applications. This also includes any machine which is used in the education for any of the above mentioned purposes.
  • by people who accept, support or use any kind of violent or other aggressive behaviour against other people or animals.

§2 The product is provided AS IS, without warranty of any kind, all use is at YOUR OWN RISK. Author is NOT responsible for ANY data lost or damaged by using this package. Author is NOT responsible for any hardware damage.


AKReal is a collection of 350+ programs for real Amiga AGA/RTG computers. Based on AmiKit

Purchase the new version
or download the free older one.
One way or the other, have fun!

If you have any question, please use Support Thread or contact Retrofan.

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© 2013-2022 AKReal by Retrofan based on AmiKit by Jan Zahurancik and Contributors © 2005-2022 | Terms of Use | Disclaimer |